Insights into our hiring process
What is the top character trait you look for in a new hire? When we hire Virtual Assistants for our team of VAs, we look for those that can demonstrate resourcefulness and problem solving. We are a high-performing team working in a high-urgency environment, and we need team members who can find quick, clever solutions to any number of situations. Resourcefulness, the ability to show initiative and be proactive are key indicators of a strong, talented Virtual Assistant.
What skills or experience make great Virtual Assistants stand out? Generally, an aptitude for writing skills and tech proficiency is a must-have for everyone on our Virtual Assistant team. Best practices and platforms change all the time so we’re all in a constant state of learning. That’s what makes this job fun.
What skills do you encourage your team to develop? Virtual Assistants need a variety of skills. They’re constantly switching between left- and right-brain tasks. One minute they’re pulling reports and analyzing data, the next they’re writing engaging content and coming up with creative concepts.
What advice would you
offer an aspiring Virtual Assistant?
It would be to accept feedback as a positive thing. Feedback and criticism from your supervisor or teammates comes from a place of good intention and only serves to benefit the project, team, or your own learning path. Becoming comfortable with change is also good advice. In business especially, nothing stays the same for very long. If you’re unhappy with something or frustrated by ambiguity in the midst of change, try to roll with it and make the most of every situation you find yourself in. My final tip for aspiring Virtual Assistants is to always think ahead to identifying the skills or attributes you need and work to acquire them. Be proactive and start putting the blocks in place that will help you move forward. We recently developed a certification course for Virtual Assistants that shares our decades of knowledge. You can learn more about that via Thinkific.