The lifeblood of the American economy is small business. Some 89% of small businesses have fewer than 20 employees. So it’s not a surprise that small businesses experience the growing pains of needing to hire and have support, yet lack the capital and infrastructure to hire employees and a team. This is where hiring a remote Virtual Assistant company comes into play.
Global Workplace Analytics (GWA) have shown cost savings to businesses of up to $31,000 per team member simply through hiring a Virtual Assistant company. This staggering figure doesn’t include the savings a business has regarding some of the less obvious perks a Virtual Assistant company can offer. For example, Virtual Assistants utilize fewer sick days than in-house employees; this is because they are still able to work from home remotely, so even if they feel a little unwell, they are more likely to stick to their work schedule.
Remote Virtual Assistants also have the luxury of being more motivated and fulfilled in their jobs. Because they work remotely, research by Forbes estimates that they are 15%-45% more productive than in-office counterparts. Plus, the flexibility that Virtual Assistants have in their position helps eliminate the burdens of lack of time with their children, stress with commuting and rush hours, and grants the ability to take breaks when they need. All of these things snowball into workers who are more comfortable and even happier with what they do.
Some reports have also found that remote employees are often motivated to put in more productive hours in a day, simply because of the accessibility of their work and the flexible time frames in which they can get their work completed. Companies like Virtual Assist USA have paved the way for future trends in the employment marketplace, granting mutual benefits for employers and employees.
All signs (and savings) point to the future as Virtual Assistance normalcy for small businesses. With access to a Virtual Assistant's resources, cost-effective tools and flexibility, there's never been a better time to hire a VA team.