As an entrepreneur, your main goal is to keep the business growing.
However, no one can go it alone. Most entrepreneurs quickly find that they need a team to manage the increasing complexity of operations – the day-to-day tasks like marketing, email management, bookkeeping, and administrative tasks to name a few.
But at the same time, hiring a workforce is scary. It costs a lot of money. There are payroll taxes, employee handbooks and compliance to worry about. You may need a web designer to edit your WordPress site, but you certainly don’t need someone full-time and on-site to do that.
The answer?
Entrepreneurs stifle their own growth by believing they can do it all. Yes, that blind belief may be the catalyst for launching a business to begin with, but, by taking on too much, overall productivity tanks. Ultimately, so will the growth of the business.
Entrepreneurs need to focus on one thing: growing the revenue to drive the business.
Delegating to a Virtual Assistant saves both time and money
By delegating tasks to an existing, well-organized Virtual Assistant team – the kind that runs like a well-oiled machine -- you’re provided significant savings. When you hire an established Virtual Assistant company, you have a built-in team. Someone else is taking care of the quality control, the payroll, the onboarding, the hiring, the firing. In addition, you save on the costs of maintaining office space and equipment that you would have to arrange for when you hire additional employees.
Better yet, you’re not limited to professionals in your geographic area. You can find the best talent from any location in the country—maybe the expert copywriter you need lives in Boston. You don’t have to restrict the search for the skills you need to the specific geographic location where you work.
You can delegate a wide range of operations, too. For example, you can hire a Virtual Assistant to:
Manage your bookkeeping and keep track of invoices, payments and receipts
Check your bookkeeping for discrepancies before tax time
Give your customers a real, live person to talk to when they have a question or problem with your product or service (they’ll appreciate this!)
Update the plugins on your website and improve your SEO so customers can find you
Utilize our Virtual Assistants to manage your calendar, schedule and e-mail inbox
Delegate marketing campaigns for email, social media and traditional mediums
Edit videos, design graphics and maintain your website
Outsourcing is a business strategy that elevates your business to the next level; growing your business externally without hiring internally! Utilizing a team of Virtual Assistants to delegate your to-do lists to saves not only time and money, it allows for the overall expansion and growth of your company.
Are you ready to grow together?