As a busy business owner or executive, it’s critical that you find areas where you can shave hours off of your day. All organizations have different landscapes, but these general tips on how to be a more productive business owner can help you starting today:
1) Scheduling your own appointments & managing your own calendar: If you don’t have a Virtual Assistant to tackle this task, consider a service like TimeTrade that links to your calendar so you never have to worry about double-booking.
2) Multi-tasking: When you’re checking your phone in a meeting or during a conversation, it’s multi-tasking. If you want to be the type of business professional that everyone loves to be around because you make them feel, when you’re talking to them, like they’re the most important person in the room? Then stop checking your phone! Your phone will never notice if you’re paying attention. Other people? They always notice.
3) Online research: Virtual Assistants can easily find information on competitor’s websites, explore new product and service lines and vet potential business contacts. Your VA can also help you find blog topics or research what’s trending in your industry to report back to you. Industry knowledge prep and receiving timely news are also critical to executives or business owners to understand what’s going on in the marketplace, and be well-informed in meetings.
4) The tasks where you’re weak: We believe in delegating your weaknesses. If graphic layouts aren't your specialty, hand them over to someone who designs all day, every day.
Other tasks, like social media marketing management, can be all-consuming and confusing to someone who isn't an expert in the field. Social chores are a simple task to hand off to a VA.