Below are some "virtual office" resources that were recommended by our clients and assistants.
Google Calendar: An online calendar that is easy to update, read, share, and access from any computer or your mobile phone.
Tiny URL Shorten a long URL into a tiny URL that will never expire. Free, easy, and useful service. Especially great for "Tweets!"
Jott: This program allows you to make a phone call, leave a message for the chosen recipient, and automatically have the message transcribed and delivered to their email inbox. It’s a great tool for leaving reminders for assistants, family, or yourself!
Screen Hunter Capture any part of a window, screen, or desktop. The captured area can be pasted and saved in different formats.
Active Words Allows you to navigate your computer files and the internet even faster. Type “excel” into the toolbar and it will launch. Type the name of a folder or document, and it will open regardless of where it is stored. There are many useful, time-saving features available.
MailChimp Easy to use email marketing system that has a low monthly rate and many options to enhance your communications.
Vertical Response Many options for creating classy or flashy email campaigns. They only charge for the number you send, and have excellent customer service.
F reeConferenceCall A free conference call service that allows up to 96 people on one call. There are other complimentary services available on the website, including call recording.
Mozy They provide you with 2GB of Free backup space for your files.
Audio Acrobat Enables you to record and upload audio, video, podcasts, etc. Great for consultants, coaches and trainers.
VM Direct Send video embedded in your emails or have live, streaming video on your website.
VMDirect allows you to incorporate video to enhance your business practices.

Hire Virtual Assist USA if you need help with any of these!